速報APP / 社交 / Active Resist

Active Resist


檔案大小:1.4 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Active Resist(圖1)-速報App

Political campaigns and activist groups rely on social media platforms to reach out to supporters -- but because these platforms rely on advertising revenue, there's a good chance that messages can be missed.

Active Resist is a shadow network, designed to work in parallel with social media based messaging campaigns. A campaign curator selects the most relevant social media posts, adding them to a queue on the Active Resist web site. This app downloads the curated list, giving supporters easy and direct access to the most important information that will help a campaign.

If you're an activist, you can help a cause you support by following the links to Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else, and then retweeting or liking a post to raise the visibility. If you're working with a campaign, you can use Active Resist to more efficiently engage your supporters, and use their grass roots energy in a meaningful way.

Active Resist(圖2)-速報App

Using The App

You can sign up for an Active Resist account by suppling a user name and password of your own choosing, and an email address to associate with the account. The email address is required if you need to perform a password reset; we will keep this information private.

In the app, the Campaigns tab lists campaigns that you can follow and support if you choose; tap on the image to bring up a campaign dialog, and toggle the follow button.

Active Resist(圖3)-速報App

Each campaign has a set of current tasks; tap the wave icon to follow a link to a social media post, and then like, retweet, etc., to help the campaign spread their message.

Active Resist does not access your account information from any social media platform; it opens the native client for the appropriate service, and simply directs you to the appropriate post. Your privacy and security are protected.


Active Resist(圖4)-速報App

If you are working with a political campaign or progressive group, you can create your own curated lists. Contact the Active Resist administrators by sending email to admin@activeresist.com, and we'll be happy to set things up.

Wave icons by Freepik.com, from FlatIcon.com.

Active Resist(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad